What is part time employment

What is part time employment

There are some situations when employers don't have to treat part-time workers in the same way as full-time employees. In these situations the employer must . Jump to Employment rights of part-time workers - Part-time employees have the same statutory employment rights as other employees. Jobsharing ‎Part-time workers and 'less. Employment rights of part-time workers - Citizens Informationwww.

What is part time employment

Home › Employment › Types of employmentSimilar - Part-time workers have certain employment rights under the Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001. Definition of a part-time worker and requirements for a contract of service. If you're a part-time employee covered by the Employment Act, find out your entitlements for rest days, public holidays, overtime pay and leave. A part-time contract is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job.

The shifts are often rotational. The Fair Work Commission (FWC) recently handed down a decision proposing to change some entitlements for casual and part-time employees in a number of .


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